
Miscellaneous Pictures

These are truly random pictures! They were all taken with mine or Greg's phone, and I finally got them onto my computer!
I think this was the last picture of me pregnant. I think it was Thursday night, August 21st and she was born on the 26th!

Ellie and Grammie - The first day home from the hospital.

Ellie was a tiny bit jaundice, so Grammie took her outside into the sun. She totally relaxed and went limp - she loved it!

on the boppy

I was trying to type a paper and Elyse was really fussy! So I put her in the sling so that I could keep writing. It wasn't very comfortable, but it worked!

hangin' out in the bumbo chair

aunt mellie and ellie =)

spit bubbles!

This is my favorite picture of Ellie! She was almost 4 weeks old

Aunt Anna and Ellie in Sunday School


  1. Alright, I know what you do on Mondays now...Great pics. M

  2. She is so adorable! I can't wait to see her!

  3. I love it when mom starts sentences with "alright". I love that top you're wearing in the first photo. pretty. I want to hold her so bad I can taste it!
