Here are our Halloween pictures.
Josh and some of his friends wanted to go Trick-or-Treating, so we thought we'd join them.
Afterward, they all came to our house and played poker with their candy.
The Group: (from left to right)
Charis (with the camera) "hippie midwife"
Lydia - "tree hugger"
Andrew - I have no idea what he was supposed to be - but it was funny!
Mark - "rock climer"
Josh - "Partly cloudy with a chance of rain..."
Joshua O. - once again, no idea
They had a few others join them later, but I don't have pictures.

Ellie and I went as a butterfly.

Ellie is the body of the butterfly and I wore the wings.
Lydia took a few more pictures, but I don't have them yet.
Greg went as a mountain-man....I think
We didn't stay very long, though, because we decided we were MUCH too old for Trick-or-Treating! Instead, we went to walmart to get some candy to pass out back at the house. The only candy left on the shelves was Hannah Montana candy-bracelets!
I think we only had 3 Trick-or-Treaters though. I guess we got back too late.
Oh Well. We'll know better next time.
On the morning of the 31st, we went to Farmer's Market hoping to find good deals on pumpkins. We took a few pictures there, too.
Our Family's First Halloween =)
Papa and Lauren Elyse
I'm not sure why Ben had pink hair...but I kind of like it!