
Pippy Longstocking!

There's a new baby at the Ruffino's:

Pippy Longstocking!

We took Ellie out to see her - she couldn't get enough!
She loves all things soft and fuzzy and this was no exception!
Grammie was holding her and when ever Pippy moved too far away Ellie started whining!
I guess horse-crazy starts young!


She's Crawling!!!

It's old news now, but on March 19th - Ellie started crawling!!! She'd been scooting pretty well and then all of a sudden she just started! I never even noticed her trying! She was playing with Grammie's keys - one of her favorite toys!

These videos were taken that night, right when I noticed. Looking at them now makes me laugh because you can't even really tell she's crawling. We were so proud ;)

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Nap Time

Caitlyn and Ellie fell asleep in the car together. Caitlyn was using Ellie's carseat as a pillow. Very sweet!

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