
Our Fairy Tale

Once Upon a Time, in the Land of El Har, there was a Maiden who was in bondage washing dishes night after night. There was also a Prince who spent his days looking after the young children of the Land. The young Prince was told of the beautiful but mistreated Maiden and he longed to free her. He divised a valiant plan to free her from her prison. After her rescue, the Prince was determined to win her love. He spent the next year wooing the beauiful Maiden. At the end of the long year, the Maiden declared her love for the Prince. This began two long years of courtship. After seven hundred and ninety-one days, he asked for her hand in marriage. The fair maiden accepted his proposal. They were married on February 9, 2007.

Maverick and Storm met at Camp El Har in the summer of 2003. Maverick began working as a full-time intern teaching science classes and hosting retreat groups at the camp. The following summer, we both worked at camp again. We started dating on July 1st, 2004.

We were engaged on August 31, 2006. Maverick proposed during a Ranger's Game and we were married on February 9th, 2007.


The Beginning

This is our first post on our family blog!
We have two dogs,
Brinks & Piper:
Brinks is a Brindle Boxer and we have no idea what Piper is! She was a stray that we rescued and even the vet doesn't know what she is! She's one of the strangest looking dogs I've ever seen! She's much prettier when she perks up her ears, but we don't have any pictures of her like that.